Monday, January 28, 2013

Author Study~ Mo Willems

My EK students engage in weekly sharing to help build on communication skills and asking questions.  This week's topic was~ What is your favorite book?  One of my students brought in a book called Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus.  As part of the sharing experience, I read the book to the students and they asked "WH" questions.

During this whole group time, I realized a couple of things...
One... my students are EXTREMELY EXCITED by the book and had lots to say about the character.
Two... I did not really know anything about the author Mo Willems!

So I decided to do some research on the author.  I purchased TWELVE of his books- hide the credit card bill!  Then I developed an author study unit about Mo Willems.  We will be completing this  unit after Valentine's Day. I thought the timing is a perfect way to introduce a couple more characters- Piggy and Elephant.  I hope you like the unit.  It is geared for EK and K grade levels.

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