Monday, January 28, 2013

Character Traits w/ Mo Willems

I just LOVE snow days!  I was looking at some upcoming plans and thought I would add more to my MoWillems- author study.  When we finish our unit I thought we could look at CHARACTER TRAITS.

I made a page for each character we will be reading about.  I made an extra page if you would like to add a character.  I thought we could draw a picture of the character in the frame.  Then, we could come up with a list of words that describe the character.

Author Study~ Mo Willems

My EK students engage in weekly sharing to help build on communication skills and asking questions.  This week's topic was~ What is your favorite book?  One of my students brought in a book called Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus.  As part of the sharing experience, I read the book to the students and they asked "WH" questions.

During this whole group time, I realized a couple of things...
One... my students are EXTREMELY EXCITED by the book and had lots to say about the character.
Two... I did not really know anything about the author Mo Willems!

So I decided to do some research on the author.  I purchased TWELVE of his books- hide the credit card bill!  Then I developed an author study unit about Mo Willems.  We will be completing this  unit after Valentine's Day. I thought the timing is a perfect way to introduce a couple more characters- Piggy and Elephant.  I hope you like the unit.  It is geared for EK and K grade levels.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Love is in the Air

I am ready for the weekend!  We had a short week ...only 4 days with MLK!  It felt like a full week with my crazy schedule.  I did get a chance to make a couple of  lessons for our thematic focus on Valentine's Day and Friendship. 

My EK students are still working on mastering our ten sight words.  I made this cute sight word search to keep them busy.  We use magnifying glasses and go on a search for hidden words.  The student will find a word, write it down and read the list to a friend.  They just love it!  Click here to get your copy!  Enjoy! 

Also, some of my K students are working on ending sound manipulation.  I made this breaking hearts game for them to play.  You will need to cut the heart with the ending letter so it will make a new word.  For example, students will take a heart and read the CVC word.  Then students will take a "broken" heart and lay the letter on top to make a new word.  The word is fan can be changed to far, fat and fast.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Snowmen At Night

It is amazing to see the changes when students come back in January!  They are really becoming learners!  It is so nice to see the growth when I benchmark students. 

We have been working on snowmen and snow fun!  One of my co-teachers did this cute fine motor project.  She read the book Snowmen At Night.   The student tore paper to make a snowman, cut out triangles for a nose and completed a clozed sentence.  It came out really cute!!!