Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Feathered Friends

It is all about birds in my primary sequence world!  Our kindergarten classes are learning about birds.  Our early kindergarten classes are focusing on ducks.  We have a count down going on to see when the duck eggs will hopefully hatch.  We read so many wonderful stories.  I also like to use these picture cards in a pocket chart.  I leave them up so my students can use them in their writing.  

At the end of our duck unit we like to complete a four square writing piece.  Students can draw pictures in the boxes about various duck facts.  Some of my students can write a label using a beginning sound, others can write a label by stretching the sounds and some can write a sentence.  It is a nice way to end our unit! 

In kindergarten we made this cute little bird using scrap book paper.  It was easy to do and my students enjoyed attaching the bird to their "Brilliant Bird Brain" writing pieces.  The pattern can be found in my new Bird of a Feather Unit on TPT. 

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