Thursday, September 6, 2012

New Year

It has been a really long time since I have blogged.  Last year I became a blog junkie!  I would spend hours reading all my favorite blogs.  I was so excited to start my own blog to share with teachers and friends... but then I did nothing. 
Well that has changed this year! I PROMISE to blog and share once a week.  I am  feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the new changes... APPR, Common Core, new children and teachers.  We just spent two days on staff development with the new teacher evaluation system.. yikes! 

It was so nice to actually spend time today with children.  I am feeling a little better today!  So I have a few pics of my new room.  I am so excited to be out of a cubicle! 

I made pretty curtains to cover up the electrical panels... but the new fire inspected did not like them so much.  So I guess I am stuck looking at grey panels.  Let me know if you have any ideas!

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